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Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Websites in Pakistan

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Are you searching for the top affiliate marketing websites in Pakistan? So you are in the right place. In this article, we’ll learn about the best affiliate marketing websites in Pakistan that allow you to earn money online without investing.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways for online earning which allows individuals and businesses to earn a commission by promoting products and services through their websites or social media platforms. There are many ways to earn money online from home without investing. Affiliate Marketing in Pakistan is also one of them.

Through Affiliate Marketing, we can earn money without investing anything. The Internet has become a source for earning as much as you want from Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Marketing is a billion-dollar industry. Many websites have started their Affiliate Marketing programs in Pakistan.

These websites are helpful for you to earn money by sitting at home without investing. If you’re a beginner, this article will guide you properly from start to finish. So, keep reading all parts of this article to understand the associate program until the end.

What is an Affiliate Marketing Program?

An affiliate program is like computerized teamwork between a company that wants to advertise online and people who own websites. These website owners, called affiliates, put the company’s ads on their own sites.

Affiliate links are special ads in these programs that lead to the company’s website. To be part of these programs, affiliates usually need to sign up, especially if the program is related to a specific topic. Most of the time, joining these programs doesn’t cost anything. When someone online clicks on the affiliate link, they get taken to the company’s website.

If that person buys something, the affiliate who provided the link can earn a reward. Affiliates pick which banners or ads to display on their websites using their affiliate programs. They decide this by guessing which company ads their website visitors would like the most.

The most popular kinds of affiliate programs are pay-per-lead and pay-per-sale. Affiliate marketing is considered the cheapest way to bring more people to a website. Unlike paying for each view or click, affiliate programs pay when something good happens, like when someone buys or signs up.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing Programs In Pakistan:

Affiliate Marketing is the best way to earn money online for students to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day. Here are some benefits of affiliate marketing.

  • You don’t have to spend a lot to start earning money.
  • You don’t have to make your own things to sell.
  • You can make money online with affiliate marketing without working all the time.
  • You can work from wherever you want.
  • You can get big rewards for each sale you help with.

How To Start Affiliate Marketing Program in Pakistan

If you are interested in starting affiliate marketing in Pakistan and want to earn money through YouTube Pay Per Views in Pakistan. Here are some tips that will help you make money online fast with affiliate marketing.

  • Select a niche that interests you.
  • Explore the top affiliate programs based on your chosen niche.
  • Create excellent content to endorse the products and services.
  • Advertise the affiliate products using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or a blog.
  • Track your progress and adapt your approach accordingly.

Types of Affiliate Marketing Programs

Following are the different types of Affiliate programs:

  • Affiliate Programs with Low Payments but Lots of Sales.
  • Affiliate Programs with High Payments but Few Sales.
  • Affiliate Programs with High Payments and Lots of Sales.

Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Websites in Pakistan 2023

Here are the top affiliate marketing websites in Pakistan that pay a handsome amount of commission on every sale that you make through your affiliate link.

If you are living in Pakistan, you can look up these top affiliate programs with good commissions. Below are some of the top-rated affiliate programs that will pay you real money in Pakistan.

SemrushOleg Shchegolev
ShopifyTobias Lü
AlibabaJack Ma
Digi store 24Sven
GotoPaddy SrinivasanGoto
Ali ExpressJack MaAli Express
ClickbankKelly HouseholdeClickbank
Get ResponseSimon GrabowskiGet Response
Affiliate Marketing Websites

1. Semrush

Semrush is a digital marketing platform that does lots of things like helping with SEO, PPC, and content marketing. It started in 2008 by Oleg Shchegolev and Dmitry Melnikov. With 7 Million users, it’s known all around the world.

They also have a deal where if you tell people about Semrush and they buy it, you can get 40% of what they pay. This means you can get $200 for each sale and $10 for every time someone tries Semrush through your special link. The Semrush affiliate program has a cookie duration of 120 Days

2. Shopify

Shopify is a well-liked online selling platform that lets regular folks create their own online stores, even if they don’t know how to code or design websites. The Owner of Shopify Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake in 2006.

With more than 1.7 million stores being used and over $200 billion in sales, Shopify is really famous for online stores.

It helps businesses sell things online by giving them tools for keeping track of their products, handling payments, and promoting their stuff.

You can make money by talking about Shopify and getting people to use it. They have something called an affiliate program that can pay you up to 200% of what someone spends on their plans when they use your special link. The more advanced the plan is, the more you can earn.

3. Amazon

In the online selling world, Amazon is the ruler. Most people know that it’s a big American tech company that mostly sells things on the internet. Amazon is really good at selling stuff like DVDs, CDs, games, food, jewelry, toys, books, and even music services.

For a while, Pakistan couldn’t sell things on Amazon. Even though people in Pakistan couldn’t buy from Amazon, the website still made money for marketers through the affiliate program.

Just now, Amazon started letting people from Pakistan sell things on it, so now anyone can buy stuff there. One of the really good and big programs where people can earn money is called Amazon Associates. It gives a fair amount of money to people who promote Amazon’s stuff.

Amazon has different amounts they pay, like the most, which is 20%, for selling games and the least, which is 1%, for selling health and personal care stuff. When someone uses your link to go to Amazon, your special tracking thing stays active for 24 hours, and after that, it stops working.

4. Hostinger

Hostinger is one of the top and most famous companies that provide website hosting. They are known for being reliable and fast. They even give free WordPress hosting with a special name in the web address, and they own another company called 000webhost.

People from Pakistan and all over the world can be a part of Hostinger’s affiliate program. Hostinger has different plans for hosting websites. If you want to join the affiliate program of Hostinger in Pakistan, you need to talk about Hostinger’s hosting deals.

If someone buys because of you, you get paid. One of the really good programs where people in Pakistan can earn money is from Hostinger. They let you earn up to 60% of the sales, and if you do even better, you can earn more. Hostinger keeps track of people who visit through your link for 30 days, just like other good companies.

When you want to get your money, you have two choices: PayPal or a bank account. The smallest amount you can get with PayPal is $100. But if PayPal isn’t an option for you, you can use a bank account, but you need at least $500 to do that.

5. Alibaba

Alibaba is the biggest shopping website and company in China. Jack Ma, the richest person in China, started it in 1999. According to Forbes, Alibaba is really important and is the 31st biggest company in the whole world in 2020. Alibaba does lots of things, like selling stuff online, helping with payments on the internet, and giving you ways to search for things to buy.

It also does technology and other computer stuff. In 2018, it became the second Asian company to be worth more than $500 billion, which is a lot of money. Alibaba lets you earn money without spending any money yourself. People who talk about Alibaba’s stuff can join their affiliate program and get 7% of the money from sales.

If you can send lots of people to Alibaba’s website and they buy things, you might get even more money. Only certain types of sales get you money from Alibaba. They call these “Qualifying Purchases.” If someone buys stuff and the sale is completed, that counts.

But if someone returns what they bought, you don’t get money for that.

6. Digi store 24

The Digi store is a top website for affiliate marketing in Pakistan. It’s like a competition to ClickBank Pakistan. They have lots of different things to sell, and how much money you make also depends on what you’re selling. You can also use social media to talk about what you’re selling and earn money from it.

7. Goto

The Goto company is a big online shopping place in Pakistan. They want to make shopping easy and trouble-free for people. They sell lots of things like electronics, health stuff, technology, things for your home, and clothes. Asadullah Khan started Goto in 2015.

Goto has a really good program where you can earn money by talking about their stuff. What’s cool is you don’t need a website to do this. You can use social media to tell people about what they sell and make as much money as you want.

Goto, just like other websites, pays you a certain amount for each type of thing they sell. They pay you once a month, and you can see how much they pay in the chart below. These are the best ways to earn money online in Pakistan in 2022.

If you spend time and work hard, it can become a way to make money without working all the time.

8. Ali Express

AliExpress affiliate marketing is a way for people to earn money by promoting products from the AliExpress online marketplace. AliExpress, owned by the Alibaba Group, is one of the largest and most popular e-commerce platforms in the world.

As an affiliate marketer for AliExpress, you can earn commissions by driving sales through your unique affiliate links. To become an AliExpress affiliate, you typically need to sign up for their affiliate program. Once approved, you’ll gain access to a variety of tools and resources to help you promote products effectively.

9. Clickbank

ClickBank is a website where people who make digital stuff can connect with others who want to help sell it. It started in 1998 by Tim and Eileen Barber. They have lots of different things to choose from, like things for your home, beauty stuff, fitness things, and even digital products.

With more than 200 million customers all around the world, ClickBank is a really big deal for people in Pakistan who want to make money through affiliate programs. What’s cool is you can get money from ClickBank’s affiliate program. They pay you a certain amount, up to 75% of what they make from each sale that happens because of your special link.

You might wonder if ClickBank works in Pakistan. The answer is yes, it does. People in Pakistan can join their affiliate program and talk about the stuff they have on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. By doing this, you can make money online.

10. Get Response

GetResponse offers an affiliate marketing program that allows individuals to earn money by promoting their email marketing and automation platform. This program enables affiliates to earn commissions for referring customers to GetResponse and driving sales through their unique affiliate links.

Get Response has two Affiliate programs. One is Recurring, and the second one is bounty.

  • On recurring sales, your commission will be 33%
  • On bounty sales, you will get $100 on every sale

You just need to Signup to use this Affiliate Program. You can withdraw your money by using PayPal.


To sum it up, there are around 10 great Affiliate Marketing programs in Pakistan. Once you’ve looked at all these programs, you should pick the ones that match what you like. Then, you can work hard to become really good at that kind of stuff.

If you do things right and work hard, Affiliate Marketing can give people and businesses in Pakistan a way to make money that keeps coming in. Because more and more people are using the internet and buying things online, Affiliate Marketers have a bigger chance to earn a lot of money.

FAQ: Best Affiliate Marketing In Pakistan

What is affiliate marketing in Pakistan?

Affiliate marketing in Pakistan is a way for people to earn money by promoting products or services from different companies. When someone buys something through the affiliate’s unique link, the affiliate earns a commission.

What are the best affiliate marketing programs in Pakistan?

Some of the top affiliate marketing programs in Pakistan include Amazon Associates, ClickBank, Daraz Affiliate Program, AliExpress Affiliate Program, and more. These programs allow you to earn commissions by promoting their products or services.

How do I get started with affiliate marketing in Pakistan?

To get started, you need to choose an affiliate program that suits your interests and audience. Sign up for the program, get your unique affiliate links, and start promoting products through your website, blog, social media, or other platforms.

Can I earn money with affiliate marketing in Pakistan without a website?

Yes, many affiliate programs, like Daraz and AliExpress, allow you to promote products through social media platforms without having a website.

How much can I earn with affiliate marketing in Pakistan?

Your earnings depend on various factors, including the commission rate, the type of products you promote, and your marketing efforts. Some affiliate programs offer higher commission rates, while others offer recurring commissions.

Is affiliate marketing legal in Pakistan?

Yes, affiliate marketing is legal in Pakistan as long as you follow the terms and conditions of the affiliate programs you join and adhere to the country’s legal regulations.

Do I need to pay to join affiliate programs in Pakistan?

Most affiliate programs in Pakistan are free to join. You don’t need to pay any upfront fees to become an affiliate.

How do I receive payments from affiliate marketing programs in Pakistan?

Affiliate programs typically offer payment options like PayPal, direct bank transfers, or checks. Some programs have minimum payout thresholds that you need to reach before receiving payments.

Is affiliate marketing a sustainable source of income in Pakistan?

Yes, affiliate marketing can provide a sustainable income source if you dedicate time, effort, and effective marketing strategies to promoting products. As the number of online users and e-commerce platforms grows, the potential for earning through affiliate marketing increases.

Can anyone in Pakistan become an affiliate marketer?

Yes, anyone in Pakistan with access to the internet can become an affiliate marketer. You don’t need to have a specific background or qualifications to start. However, having knowledge of marketing and understanding your target audience can be beneficial.


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